Tag Archives: heritage

Norwegian Heritage Food and Cooking Quiz

Norwegian Heritage Word Game

Fewer than one in five score 100% in this fun quiz touching on traditional Norwegian traditions, cooking, foods, family, and home life.

Norwegian Americans share a very special legacy in their family ties to a beautiful country, and in the delicious recipes developed over the years. This is especially true of Norwegian Holiday cooking and recipes.

Celebrate Your Norwegian Heritage

The following quiz includes words, terms, and phrases excerpted from nearly 2,000 entries in Flavors of the Fjords selected based on their use in cooking, food preparation, household living, and family relationships.  The mix and match format includes terms relating to:

  • Home and Hearth
  • Traditional Dishes
  • Traditional Cooking Preparations & Directions
  • Terms Relating to Table
  • Meats and Fish
  • Terms relating to Fruits and Berries
  • A Well Bread Tradition
  • Vegetables

We hope they may be of some help to those of you who wish to translate family recipes or letters.

Feel free to recommend additional terms for inclusion in future editions.

To assist readers translating family recipes, we have included various phrases and terms excerpted from manuscript cookbooks. These are italicized (in quotes) and retain their original spelling.

If you have a word or term from a Norwegian manuscript cookbook or similar document that you cannot translate, why not share it with our Editors and readers. Simply forward your query to: belleairepress@earthlink.net

You should keep in mind that although Norway has two official languages, we have used only one of them in this Glossary, namely “rikesmål.” The other official langauge is called “nynorsk” (new Norwegian), which is an artificial language created from various dialects spoken in different parts of Norway.

This informative and interesting word and phrase game was based on excerpts from the Norwegian Cooking and Family Glossary in Flavors of the Fjords, the Norwegian-American Cookbook prepared by Tove H. Fladvad.